Monday, July 7, 2008


Last night I took a bike ride with Kathy and Savannah. We cruised around Archbold a bit doing our best to make the sojourn exciting. Riding on the embankment of the northern reservoir provided a few kicks especially when Savannah nearly careened off the side.

Later, I was following Savannah down Barr Rd., wanting to keep her safe from the dangers of the road. As I rode, however, it came into my head that if she swerved into the pathway of a car, there would be nothing I could do about it. She could be seriously hurt and I would be powerless to prevent it. That was a tremendously unpleasant thought.

Then I asked myself, Is this how God feels as he is tailing us, seeking to keep us safe and well? This is not to say that God is powerless in protecting us. He can as He wills. We do know that God, in His providence, does not always choose to rescue us from imminent peril nor does He always thwart the evil that actively seeks to wound and destroy us. He does not even rescue us from the repercussions of the poor choices that we make. And yet I believe that He is there close as we swerve perilously close to traffic, arms stretched wide-open, heart breaking as we plummet toward asphalt, weeping and bleeding as we weep and bleed, and devising ways to redeem us and heal us from the abrasions and contusions that have stopped our progress cold. This is grace.

And sometimes we must wallow in the aftermath of a disaster to which we have contributed until we have learned what the Lord needs us to learn. This, too, is grace.

It is always a struggle as a parent to know how much to protect our children, striking the appropriate balance between valid concern and choice- liberty (depending on the age of the child). One thing is sure. We cannot and should not protect them from everything.

This is the way of our perfect Parent.

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