Friday, July 11, 2008


After spending the night last night in Lincoln, NE (it was somewhat disconcerting for me to stay in this city which is the home of the University of Nebraska and the Cornhuskers. They are mortal enemies of any self-respecting Colorado University fan and I always felt like someone was watching me. Creepy... It would be like a Buckeye hanging out in Ann Arbor! I wondered if I should be ritually cleansed upon leaving.), we arrived safely in Palmer Lake, CO late this afternoon.

We had another two good days of travel. God has protected us from accidents and held our van together, even when I tried to wipe us out early on Wednesday morning near the Archbold toll plaza (don't ask). We are grateful for that. Kathy and the kids have been most tolerant of my paternal shenanigans as well.

On arrival, the kids were very excited to see Grandma & Grandpa and to experience all the available goodies. I think they were awfully glad to be out of the van after so many hours on the road. I must say that they travel amazingly well and I wanted to hurt them only a handful of times (fewer even than Denver drivers).

Otto the dachshund has accompanied us on this trip. He did not throw up in the van even once! He did rub his slobbery nose all over the driver's and passenger side windows, however. Delightful.

This evening my parents had some extended family for supper so I got to see aunts, uncles, cousin, etc. They also invited some dear friends from childhood. I had not seen my friend, Randy, for twenty years. It was great to catch up with him and his parents. It was good to see that he is nearly as grey as I am!

Tomorrow we head for South Fork, CO to spend time in a cabin there. My brother and his family will accompany us as well as my parents. We look forward to sitting at the feet of some enormous, majestic mountains and expect to be inspired by the Lord in that setting. The trout are calling my name, "Jeff, come and catch us. We're bored here in this beautiful mountain stream."

Hope to have photos of talking trout to post soon. Other neat stuff, too.




Anonymous said...

Colorado Mountains...I'm just a bit envious. Be sure that the 'fish' photos are not enlarged in Photo Shop!

Glad you are enjoying this time away and making new memories.

May God continue to protect you all as you travel.

Love and Prayers,


Pastor Jeff said...

I never catch fish that are shorter than 16 inches!

Thanks for the blessing, Donna.
