Saturday, June 7, 2008


A storm blew through last night. Perhaps you even spent some time in your basement, heeding the warnings of your favorite meteorologist. Most of us experienced stiff winds, pelting rain, and even hail. Plus, we were told that tornadoes were a possibility.

As the storm sirens in Archbold blared warning of coming peril, I peered out a west window to see what I could see. Indeed, the clouds were ominous enough and I could see the wind picking up as the sprinting storm approached so I sent everyone to the basement. I went, too. There it was safer.

When Jesus offered words during his time on earth he was interested in each of his listeners discovering a safer place. His words often warn of coming danger, for instance. Unfortunately, I sometimes read and receive these warnings as arbitrary commands meant to limit my freedom when I could be receiving them as beautiful words of love intended to protect me from peril.

When I receive Jesus' warnings as an offense, it is like being offended by storm sirens as they notify me that a tornado is bearing down on my home. To my peril, I might stay in bed and say, "Those sirens are so irritating! My sleep has been ruined and now my dog is frightened. Tomorrow, I am going to give the village council a piece of my mind and have those sirens removed!" If am wise, I will instead head directly for the basement and give thanks for the warning.

Jesus speaks words of warning that I might avoid sin that seeks to pounce on me. If I heed it not, I can be sure that my heart will experience a destructive spiritual vortex. Worse, I may be responsible for a similar vortex in the lives of others.

It is important for me to receive Jesus' words as expressions of love so that I will not be hurt. The words are not meant to take my life but to protect and embolden it. You see, he loves me just that much.

I love you all!

~ Jeff

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