Thursday, August 5, 2010

Immigration 7

As I've studied and drawn on what I've learned previously, a few truths are apparent to me in regard to immigration:
1. It was often part of the experience of God's people (see Abram & Sarai, Jacob & sons, the Israelites in Egypt).
2. When the tables were turned and God's people were the ones who possessed the land, God recognized the vulnerability of other aliens and insisted that His people love and care for these immigrants.  They were to do this because they themselves were once vulnerable immigrants.
3. God's people are not to fear losing place, privilege, or property.  Everything belongs to God.  We can trust Him to take care of us.
4. One characteristic of wickedness is oppressing aliens.  One characteristic of righteous behavior is caring for aliens.
5. The spiritual ancestors of Mennonites, the Anabaptists, were perpetually aliens, chased out of one territory after another because of their beliefs.

When it comes to immigration, regardless of whether you live in the US, Canada, Paraguay, Kenya, or Indonesia, people who belong to Jesus are to treat strangers with kindness and hospitality.  It is the Lord's will.  We should, therefore, do just that.

It is time for us to hang up on political rhetoric in regard to immigration.  It is time for us to take courageous action as followers of Jesus not the stances of Democrats, Republicans, or Tea Party-ists.  It is time for us to surrender our cushy, smug place of believing this or that about immigration.  It is time for us to practice hospitality.

1 comment:

Pastor Jeff said...

Thanks for your comments on the topic and for the tip on the Carrol book. I'll have to check that out.

I cannot state strongly enough how right I believe you are when you talk about wearing the correct lenses when we approach the matter of immigration or any hot topic, for that matter.

Our opinions and beliefs are first to be formed by the Word of God.