Friday, December 12, 2008

Blessed are...

After quite a hiatus, I'm back.

I was praying yesterday for someone who I thought needed to change. As I began uttering the words, I was stopped mid-sentence and reminded that perhaps I was the one who required the change. Then I was led to this beattitude:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

My thoughts and the Lord's encouragement led me to write this paraphrase of the blessing in addition to a curse:

"Blessed is the homeless one who is dependent on the city shelter for a bite of breakfast, the soup kitchen for a crust at lunch, St. Matthew's Church for a change of clothing and a coat, the public library for warmth and relief from abject boredom, the government for a few food stamps, an irritated executive for $5 that will be spent on a burger and a bottle of cheap booze, and the shelter for a cot and a dirty blanket. The kingdom - the nation of God - belongs to this one.

"Cursed is the one whose home is their own, whose breakfast is purchased and prepared with their own hands, whose tidy coffers provide lunch and supper and more, whose work envelopes the day, whose joy in self-sufficiency is never quenched, whose self-righteousness refuses the gift of a car window-washing from an addict, and whose home is so clean that it sparkles throughout the community. Theirs is the kingdom of the world and all of its riches and glory."

Amidst our abundance, how do we learn to depend on the Lord? Without true dependence on Him we can in no way learn of the enormity of His blessings nor express the gratitude that is due.

~ Jeff


Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for another blog entry, but this one is a little unsettling. It requires prayer and thoughtfulness in response, so I will 'wait on the Lord' for the words.


Pastor Jeff said...


I will forward to hearing what the Lord will soon reveal to you!
