Monday, September 1, 2008

The End

Today completes my extended sabbath 2008. Post-sabbatical reflections are forthcoming but will arrive later than this Sunday when I do some live reflecting with the good Central folks. Don't want to ruin the surprise, after all.

Suffice it to say, I have learned, I have rested, I have played, and I have worked. I believe that my mind is clearer now than it has been in years. My wife and children know me again. I have experienced a sort of renaissance in my love of scripture via my work on my devotional book.

It seems like these are pretty good things.

I appreciate very much your prayers and your walking alongside of me in this journey.

I do plan to maintain the blog. My hope is that it will become a forum for dialogue, not monologue. I am simply too boring for that to be very fruitful!

I will post per movements of the Spirit and whims. Perhaps these will be connected to sermon and study preparation. Perhaps not. At any rate, I believe firmly that the Lord works in our dialogues to grant all participants a broader understanding of whatever matter is before us. It is a variation on that "wherever two or three are gathered in my name" thing.

You can chime in by clicking on "0 Comments" at the bottom of any given post.

Keep on walking with me. In Christ.

Pastor Jeff


Anonymous said...

It has been good to keep up with your thoughts and insights via this blog. It will be great to have you and your family back in our church family again.

May God use your renewed spirit to bring renewal to our congregation. This has been a time of growth for many in the church as well. To God be the Glory.


Pastor Jeff said...


Thanks for your salutation and blessing.

Can't wait to see the amazing things God has been up to at Central!


Kendall Smith said...

Jeff--I'm reading "Velvet Elvis". It's excellent! I think it's a book you'd enjoy, as it reminds my of some of your thoughts and words.

Pastor Jeff said...


That book has been commended to me previously. I will have to get it on my reading list.

What is one message from the book that stands out for you?
